Creepy or cool? some AI breakthroughs and formula of life

You keep on hearing about AI is bad and once AGI is around, it will kill us off – paperclip maximization principle is a telling example? Check the below tidbits pushing the envelop.


Historically, people line up to attend concerts of famous artists. Now, there is AI that generates pure gold jazz or what sounds like a mix of jazz and classic. Would you line up to hear these pieces? Would you still line up if you didn’t know whether it’s an algorithm or a human?


Do you like Harry Potter? What about this Harry Potter? This algorithm learnt from the first few chapters of J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter and created a novel of its own. Forget about J.K.Rowling, move on.


TV series are great. Here is a script of Silicon Valley, generated by AI. Or a credibly-looking video from few dozen words (and some prior video training). Hollywood took heed.

Human behaviour

MIT researches created their AI system, which predicts human behaviour by approximating human “intuition” from myriads of data, and pitted it against human teams at data science competitions. The algorithm didn’t get the top score but it beat 615 of the 906 human teams competing. In two of the competitions, it created models that were 94% and 96% as accurate as the winning teams. Whereas the teams of humans required months to build their prediction algorithms, this algorithm trained 2-12 hours.


Once virtual Adam and Eve (AI bots) were done with apples, they ate Stan, an innocent bystander (another AI bot) that happened to look like an apple.

Formula of life

OK, all the above are creepy, cool, scary, depending on your knowledge, interest and approach to life. But could these AI concepts eventually yield or create actual or natural life forms?

Even Artificial Life community acknowledges that the definition of “life” is contentious.

What Darwin’s theory talks about and what we believe is that there is clear difference between living organisms (in how they come to be and evolve) and everything else (from water vortexes to AI systems to coastal lines of England). Popular hypotheses credit a primordial soup, big bang and a colossal stroke of luck for creation of of life. Erwin Schrödinger framed life merely as physical processes in his treatise “What is Life?”.

But till now we had hard time explaining how (open) thermodynamic systems like our universe and even Earth evolved and how lifeforms evolved in them. We have answers for (close and weak open) ones. Till now.

According to Jeremy England from MIT given it a thermodynamic framing: it’s all about entropy (to create life, one has to decrease entropy). Carbon is not God. In his view, there is one essential difference between living things and inanimate chunks of carbon atoms: the former tend to be much better at capturing energy from their environment and dissipating that energy as heat. He has math formula, which indicates that when a group of atoms is driven by an external source of energy (like the sun) and surrounded by heat (like the ocean or atmosphere), it will often gradually restructure itself in order to dissipate increasingly more energy. This implies that under certain conditions, matter may acquire key physical attribute associated with life.

Now back to AI craze above. Imagine if we could introduce systems that artificially decrease entropy in AI systems as per Jeremy England’s prescriptions, near future could see a new Cambrian explosion of artificially constructed forms of life, which are….. songs, movies, fiction, ….. and perhaps new and better beings!

Here are more creepy/cool AI applications or here. Enjoy!

P.S.  Ralph Merkle think of Bitcoin as life:

Bitcoin is the first example of a new form of life. It lives and breathes on the internet. It lives because it can pay people to keep it alive. It lives because it performs a useful service that people will pay it to perform. … It can’t be stopped. It can’t even be interrupted. If nuclear war destroyed half of our planet, it would continue to live, uncorrupted.

How GANs can turn AI into a massive force



Deep learning models can already achieve state-of-the-art results in some applications, but their capabilities are still limited. Unlike humans, deep learning models are unable to handle minor changes, and hence can only be applied for specific and narrowly defined tasks.

Consider this conversation of what might be the most sophisticated negotiation software on the planet, which occurred between two AI agents developed at Facebook:

Bob: “I can can I I everything else.”

Alice: “Balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to.”

At first, they were speaking in plain old English, but researchers realized they forgot to include a reward for sticking to the language. So, the AI agents began to diverge, eventually rearranging legible words into seemingly nonsensical (but, in their perspective, highly efficient) sentences. They invented their own codewords, abbreviations, and structures.

This phenomenon is observed again and again and again.

A vanguard AI technology that can learn, recognize, and generate information on a nearly human level doesn’t exist yet, but we have taken steps toward that direction.

What are generative adversarial networks (GANs)?

Generally intelligent systems must be able to generalize from limited data and learning causal relationships. In 2016, Ian Goodfellow, a fellow at Google Brain, suggested using generative adversarial networks (GANs) as an alternative unsupervised machine learning method. This aimed to address many of the ailing points of the existing methods.

GANs consist of two deep neural networks: generator and discriminator. The generator’s goal is to create data samples that are so indistinguishable to the real ones. The discriminator’s goal is to identify which of the generator’s data samples are real and which are fake.

These two networks compete against each other in a zero-sum game (i.e. one’s loss implies another’s win). Both networks would then become stronger in a relatively short period of time.


Backpropagation is used to update the model parameters and train the neural networks. Over time, the networks learn many features of the provided data. To create realistic forged samples, the generator needs to learn the data’s features and patterns, while the discriminator does the same to correctly distinguish between real and fake samples.

GANs are thus able to overcome the above weaknesses by training (i.e. playing) neural networks against each other, thus learning from each other (which necessitates less data) and eventually performing better in a broader range of problems.

Applications of GANs

There are several types of GANs, and some of its most obvious applications include high-resolution or interactive image generation/blendingimage inpaintingimage-to-image translation, abstract reasoning, semantic segmentation, video generation, and text-to-image synthesis, among others.

The video game industry is the first area of entertainment to start seriously experimentingusing AI to generate raw content. There’s a huge cost incentive to invest in video game development automation given the US$300 million+ budget of modern AAA video games.

GANs have also been used for text, with less success⏤a bot developed to speak like Friedrich Nietzsche started to speak in a manner similar to the philosopher, but the sentences did not make sense. GANs for voice applications are able to reproduce a given text string to life-like voices with approximately 20 minutes of voice samples, such as these popular impersonations of American presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama. In the near future, videos can likely be generated just by providing a script.

Goodfellow and his colleagues used GANs for image generation, recognition, and classification by teaching one of the networks to create images of handwritten digits (humans were not able to distinguish real handwritten digits). They also trained a neural network to create images of objects, which humans could only differentiate (from real ones) 78.7 percent of the time. Below are some sample images of faces created entirely by deep convolutional GANs.

Despite all the above achievements, GANs still have weaknesses:

  • Instability (the generator and the discriminator losses keep oscillating) and non-convergence (to optimum) of the objective function in GANs
  • Mode collapse (this happens when the generator doesn’t produce diverse images or information)
  • The possibility that either the generator or the discriminator becomes too strong as compared to the others during training
  • The possibility that either the generator or the discriminator never learns beyond a certain point

An existential threat

Do GANs and AI in general pose an existential threat to humanity? Elon Musk thinks so. Since 2014, he has been advocating adoption of AI regulations by authorities around the world. Recently, he reiterated the urgent need to be proactive in regulation.

“AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization,” Musk tells US politicians recently.

His concerns stem from the rapid developments related to GANs, which might push humanity toward the inception of artificial general intelligence. While AI regulations may serve as safeguards, AI is still far from the fictitious depictions seen frequently in Hollywood sci-fi movies.

(By the way, Facebook ultimately opted to require its negotiation bots to speak in plain old English.)

Here are some recommended resources for GAN:

This article originally appeared on Tech in Asia.

Brief overview: neural networks, architectures, frameworks

Deep learning is a new name for an approach to AI called neural networks, which have been going in and out of fashion for more than 70 years. Neural networks were first proposed in 1944 by Warren McCullough and Walter Pitts, two researchers who moved to MIT in 1952 as founding members of what’s sometimes called the first cognitive science department.

Neural networks were a major area of research in both neuroscience and computer science until 1969, when, according to computer science lore, they were killed off by the MIT mathematicians Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert, who became co-directors of the new MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in 1970.

Neural networks are a means of doing machine learning, in which a computer learns to perform specific tasks by analysing training examples. Usually, these examples have been hand-labeled in advance. An object recognition system, for instance, might be fed thousands of labeled images of cars, houses, coffee cups, and so on, and it would find visual patterns in the images that consistently correlate with particular labels.

Modelled loosely on the human brain, a neural net consists of thousands or even millions of simple processing nodes that are densely interconnected. Most of today’s neural nets are organised into layers of nodes, and they’re “feed-forward,” meaning that data moves through them in only one direction. An individual node might be connected to several nodes in the layer beneath it, from which it receives data, and several nodes in the layer above it, to which it sends data.

Architecture and main types of neural networks

A typical neural network contains a large number of artificial neurons called units arranged in a series of layers.

  • Input layer  contains units (artificial neurons) which receive input from the outside world on which network will learn, recognise about or otherwise process.
  • Output layer  contains units that respond to the information about how it learned a task.
  • Hidden layers  are situated between input and output layers. Their task is to transform the input into something that output unit can use in some way.
  • Perceptron  has two input units and one output unit with no hidden layers, and is also called single layer perceptron.
  • Radial Basis Function Network  are similar to the feed-forward neural network except radial basis function is used as activation function of these neurons.
  • Multilayer Perceptron  networks use more than one hidden layer of neurons. These are also known as deep feed-forward neural networks.
  • Recurrent Neural Network’s (RNN) hidden layer neurons have self-connections and thus possess memory. LSTM is a type of RNN.
  • Hopfield Network is a fully interconnected network of neurons in which each neuron is connected to every other neuron. The network is trained with input pattern by setting a value of neurons to the desired pattern. Then its weights are computed. The weights are not changed. Once trained for one or more patterns, the network will converge to the learned patterns.
  • Boltzmann Machine Network  are similar to Hopfield network except some neurons are for input, while others are hidden. The weights are initialized randomly and learn through back-propagation algorithm.
  • Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) derives its name from the “convolution” operator. The primary purpose of Convolution in case is to extract features from an input image/video. Convolution preserves the spatial relationship between pixels by learning about image/video features using small squares of input data.

Of these, let’s have a very brief review of CNNs and RNNs, as these are the most commonly used.


  1. CNNs are ideal for image and video processing.
  2. CNN takes a fixed size input and generate fixed-size outputs.
  3. Use CNNs to break a component (image/video) into subcomponents (lines, curves, etc.).
  4. CNN is a type of feed-forward artificial neural network – variation of multilayer perceptrons, which are designed to use minimal amounts of preprocessing.
  5. CNNs use connectivity pattern between its neurons as inspired by the organization of the animal visual cortex, whose neurons are arranged in such a way that they respond to overlapping regions tiling the visual field.
  6. CNN looks for the same patterns on all the different subfields of the image/video.


  1. RNNs are ideal for text and speech analysis.
  2. RNN can handle arbitrary input/output lengths.
  3. Use RNNs to create combinations of subcomponents (image captioning, text generation, language translation, etc.)
  4. RNN, unlike feedforward neural networks, can use its internal memory to process arbitrary sequences of inputs.
  5. RNNs use time-series information, i.e. what is last done will impact what done next.
  6. RNN, in the simplest case, feed hidden layers from the previous step as an additional input into the next step and while it builds up memory in this process, it is not looking for the same patterns.

A type of RNN are LSTM and GRU. The key difference between GRU and LSTM is that a GRU has two gates (reset and update) whereas an LSTM has three gates (inputoutput and forget). GRU is similar to LSTM in that both utilise gating information to solve vanishing gradient problem. GRU’s performance is on par with LSTM, but computationally more efficient.

  • GRUs train faster and perform better than LSTMs on less training data if used for language modelling.
  • GRUs are simpler and easier to modify, for example adding new gates in case of additional input to the network.
  • In theory, LSTMs remember longer sequences than GRUs and outperform them in tasks requiring modelling long-distance relations.
  • GRUs expose complete memory, unlike LSTM
  • It’s recommended to train both GRU and LSTM and see which is better.

Deep learning frameworks

There are several frameworks that provide advanced AI/ML capabilities. How do you determine which framework is best for you?

The below figure summarises most of the popular open source deep network repositories. The ranking is based on the number of stars awarded by developers in GitHub (as of May 2017).

deep learning frameworks ranked via GitHub

Google’s TensorFlow is a library developed at Google Brain. TensorFlow supports a broad set of capabilities such as image, handwriting and speech recognition, forecasting and natural language processing (NLP). Its programming interfaces includes Python and C++ and alpha releases of Java, GO, R, and Haskell API will soon be supported.

Caffe is the brainchild of Yangqing Jia who leads engineering for Facebook AI. Caffe is the first mainstream industry-grade deep learning toolkit, started in late 2013. Due to its excellent convolutional model, it is one of the most popular toolkits within the computer vision community. Speed makes Caffe perfect for research experiments and commercial deployment. However, it does not support fine granularity network layers like those found in TensorFlow and Theano. Caffe can process over 60M images per day with a single Nvidia K40 GPU. It’s cross-platform and supports C++, Matlab and Python programming interfaces and has a large user community that contributes to their own repository known as “Model Zoo.” AlexNet and GoogleNet are two popular user-made networks available to the community.

Caffe 2 was unveiled in April 2017 and is focused on being modular and excelling at mobile and at large scale deployments. Like TensorFlow, Caffe 2 will support ARM architecture using the C++ Eigen library and continue offering strong support for vision-related problems, also adding in RNN and LSTM networks for NLP, handwriting recognition, and time series forecasting.

MXNet is a fully featured, programmable and scalable deep learning framework, which offers the ability to both mix programming models (imperative and declarative) and code in Python, C++, R, Scala, Julia, Matlab and JavaScript. MXNet supports CNN and RNN, including LTSM networks and provides excellent capabilities for imaging, handwriting and speech recognition, forecasting and NLP. It’s considered the world’s best image classifier, and supports GAN simulations. This model is used in Nash equilibrium to perform experimental economics methods. Amazon supports MXNet, planning to use it in existing and upcoming services whereas Apple is rumorred to be also using it.

Theano architecture lacks the elegance of TensorFlow, but provides capabilities like symbolic API supports looping control, so-called scan, which makes implementing RNNs easy and efficient. Theano supports many types of convolutions for hand writing and image classification including medical images. Theano uses 3D convolution/pooling for video classification. It can process natural language processing tasks, including language understanding, translation, and generation. Theano supports GAN.


How AI defeated top poker players

Poker is a game with imperfect information. Imperfect-information games model settings where players have private information. Huge progress has been made in solving such games over the past 20 years, especially since the Annual Computer Poker Competition was established in 2006.  Before 2006, general-purpose linear programming solvers (example) and sequence-form representation (example) were used to solve small variants of poker or coarse abstractions of two-player limit Texas Hold’em.

Since 2006, two more scalable equilibrium-finding algorithms and problem representations have been developed for two-player zero-sum games. One family is based on smoothed gradient descent algorithms and a decomposed problem representation. The other family, counterfactual regret minimisation (CFR), is based on a form of self-play using no-regret learning, adapted so that regret updates can be computed at each information set separately, instead of requiring regrets to be updated for entire game strategies.

Best available guarantees for CFR require ~1/ε 2 iterations over the game tree to reach an ε-equilibrium, that is, strategies for players such that no player can be exploited by more than ε by any strategy. The gradient-based algorithms require only ~1/ε or ~log(1/ε) iterations. The latter approach matches the optimal number of iterations required. On the other hand, more effective sampling techniques have been developed for CFR than for the gradient-based algorithms, so quick approximate iterations can be used.

How to solve imperfect-information games

Currently, the main approach for solving imperfect-information games is shown in the image below. First, the game is abstracted to generate a smaller but strategically similar game, reducing it to a size that can be tackled with an equilibrium finding algorithm.

Then, the abstract game is solved for equilibrium or near-equilibrium. Nash equilibrium defines a notion of rational play, i.e. it’s a profile of strategies, one per player, such that no player can increase his/her expected payoff by switching to a different strategy. A strategy for a player states for each information set where it is the player’s turn, the probability with which the player should select each of his/her available actions.

An information set is a collection of game states that cannot be distinguished by the player whose turn it is because of private information of other players. Finally, the strategies from the abstract game are mapped back to the original game.


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Two main kinds of abstraction are used. One is information abstraction, where it is assumed in the abstract game that a player does not know some information that he/she actually knows. Lossless abstraction algorithms yield an abstract game from which each equilibrium is also an equilibrium in the original game, and typically reduce the size of poker (or other such) games by 1-2 orders of magnitude.

The second method, action abstraction, removes some actions from consideration in the abstract game, and is useful when the number of actions that a player can choose is large.

Libratus vs. top poker players

Previously, AI has beaten chess, checkers, Go, Jeopardy but managed to beat poker only in January 2017. Unlike chess or Go, poker is a game of imperfect-information and requires a different methodology to tackle it.

In a 20-day competition involving 120,000 hands at Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh during January 2017, Libratus became the first AI to defeat top human players at Heads-up no-limit Texas Hold’em—the primary benchmark and long-standing challenge problem for imperfect-information game-solving by AIs.

Libratus beat a team of four top poker professionals in Heads-up no-limit Texas hold’em, which has 6.38 × 10161 decision points. It played with each player a two-player game and collectively amassed about $1.8 million in chips. It used the above-mentioned approach of simplifying and abstracting the game, then finding an equilibrium followed by mapping the abstract game back to the original one while adding details and improving the overall strategy. Libratus includes three main parts:

  1. Algorithm for computing (an approximate Nash equilibrium) a blueprint for the overall strategy of smaller and simpler play, using a precomputed decision tree of about 1013 decision points, instead of 10161 points in the usual game. So it starts with a simple weighted decision tree from which to select its moves depending on its hole cards and those on the board. One example of these simpler abstractions is grouping and treating similarly hands such as King-high flush and a Queen-high flush or bets of $100 or $105.
  2. Algorithm that fleshes out the details of the strategy for earlier subgames that are reached or realised during a play, and a coarse strategy for the later rounds based on assumed realization of the earlier ones. Whenever an opponent makes a move that is not in the abstraction, the module computes a solution to this subgame that includes the opponent’s move.
  3. Self-improver algorithm that solves potential weaknesses opponents have identified in the game’s strategy. Typically, AIs use ML to find mistakes in the opponent’s strategy and exploit them. But that also opens the AI to exploitation if the opponent shifts strategy. Instead, Libratus’ self-improver module analyses opponents’ bet sizes to detect potential holes in Libratus’ strategy. Libratus then adds these missing decision branches, computes probabilities and strategies for them, and adds them to the existing strategy.

This strategy is called the blueprint strategy.

Libratus is computationally expensive and was powered by the Bridges system, a high-performance computer that could achieve, at maximum, 1.35 Pflops. Libratus burned through approximately 19 million core hours of computing throughout the tournament In addition to beating the human experts, Libratus has also won against the previous AI champion Baby Tartanian8.

Another one, DeepStack, is an AI capable of playing Heads-up no-limit Texas Hold’em, which includes a similar algorithm, continual re-solving, but it has not been tested against top professional players.

Most of the same abstraction techniques apply for games with more than two players that are not zero-sum, but their equilibrium-finding problems are such that no polynomial-time algorithm is known. It is not even clear that finding a Nash equilibrium is the right goal in such games. Different equilibria can have different values to the players.

This AI could be used for calculating strategic decisions in the real world, such as in finance and information security.

Reinforcement learning and its new frontiers

RL’s origins and historic context

RL copies a very simple principle from nature. The psychologist Edward Thorndike documented it more than 100 years ago. Thorndike placed cats inside boxes from which they could escape only by pressing a lever. After a considerable amount of pacing around and meowing, the animals would eventually step on the lever by chance. After they learned to associate this behaviour with the desired outcome, they eventually escaped with increasing speed.

Some of earliest AI researchers believed that this process might be usefully reproduced in machines. In 1951, Marvin Minsky, a student at Harvard who would become one of the founding fathers of AI, built a machine that used a simple form of reinforcement learning to mimic a rat learning to navigate a maze. Minsky’s Stochastic Neural Analogy Reinforcement Computer (SNARC), consisted of dozens of tubes, motors, and clutches that simulated the behaviour of 40 neurons and synapses. As a simulated rat made its way out of a virtual maze, the strength of some synaptic connections would increase, thereby reinforcing the underlying behaviour.

There were few successes over the next few decades. In 1992, Gerald Tesauro demonstrated a program that used the technique to play backgammon. It became skilled enough to rival the best human players, a landmark achievement in AI. But RL proved difficult to scale to more complex problems.

In March 2016, however, AlphaGo, a program trained using RL, won against one of the best Go players of all time, South Korea’s Lee Sedol. This milestone event opened again teh pandora’s box of research about RL. Turns out the key to having a strong RL is to combine it with deep learning.

Current usage and major methods of RL

Thanks to current RL research, computers can now automatically learn to play ATARI games, are beating world champions at Go, simulated quadrupeds are learning to run and leap, and robots learn how to perform complex manipulation tasks that defy explicit programming.

However, while RL saw its advancements accelerate, progress in RL has not been driven as much by new ideas or additional research as just by more of data, processing power and infrastructure. In general, there are four separate factors that hold back AI:

  1. Processing power (the obvious one: Moore’s Law, GPUs, ASICs),
  2. Data (in a specific form, not just somewhere on the internet – e.g. ImageNet),
  3. Algorithms (research and ideas, e.g. backprop, CNN, LSTM), and
  4. Infrastructure (Linux, TCP/IP, Git, AWS, TensorFlow,..).

Similarly for RL, for example for computer vision, the 2012 AlexNet (deeper and wider version of 1990’s Convolutional Neural Networks – CNNs). Or, ATARI’s Deep Q Learning is an implementation of a standard Q Learning algorithm with function approximation, where the function approximator is a CNN. AlphaGo uses Policy Gradients with Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS).

RL’s most optimal method vs. human learning

Generally, RL approaches can be divided into two core categories. The first focuses on finding the optimum mappings that perform well in the problem of interest. Genetic algorithmgenetic programming and simulated annealing have been commonly employed in this class of RL approaches. The second category is to estimate the utility function of taking an action for the given problem via statistical techniques or dynamic programming methods, such as TD(λ) and Q-learning. To date, RL has been successfully applied in many real-world complex applications, including autonomous helicopterhumanoid roboticsautonomous vehicles, etc.

Policy Gradients (PGs), one of RL’s most used methods, is shown to work better than Q Learning when tuned well. PG is preferred because there’s an explicit policy and a principled approach that directly optimises the expected reward.

Before trying PGs (canon), it is recommended to first try to use cross-entropy method (CEM) (normal gun), a simple stochastic hill-climbing “guess and check” approach inspired loosely by evolution. And if you really need to or insist on using PGs for your problem, use a variation called TRPO, which usually works better and more consistently than vanilla PG in practice. The main idea is to avoid parameter updates that change the policy dramatically, as enforced by a constraint on the KL divergence between the distributions predicted by old and the new policies on data.

PGs, however have few disadvantages: they typically converge to a local rather than a global optimum and they display inefficient and high variance while evaluating a policy. PGs also require lot of training samples, take lot of time to train, and are hard to debug debug when they don’t work.

PG is a fancy form of guess-and-check, where the “guess” refers to sampling rollouts from a current policy and encouraging actions that lead to good outcomes. This represents the state of the art in how we currently approach RL problems. But compare that to how a human might learn (e.g. a game of Pong). You show him/her the game and say something along the lines of “You’re in control of a paddle and you can move it up or down, and your goal is to bounce the ball past the other player”, and you’re set and ready to go. Notice some of the differences:

  • Humans communicate the task/goal in a language (e.g. English), but in a standard RL case, you assume an arbitrary reward function that you have to discover through environment interactions. It can be argued that if a human went into a game without knowing anything about the reward function, the human would have a lot of difficulty learning what to do but PGs would be indifferent, and likely work much better.
  • A human brings in a huge amount of prior knowledge, such as elementary physics (concepts of gravity, constant velocity,..), and intuitive psychology. He/she also understands the concept of being “in control” of a paddle, and that it responds to your UP/DOWN key commands. In contrast, algorithms start from scratch which is simultaneously impressive (because it works) and depressing (because we lack concrete ideas for how not to).
  • PGs are a brute force solution, where the correct actions are eventually discovered and internalised into a policy. Humans build a rich, abstract model and plan within it.
  • PGs have to actually experience a positive reward, and experience it very often in order to eventually shift the policy parameters towards repeating moves that give high rewards. On the other hand, humans can figure out what is likely to give rewards without ever actually experiencing the rewarding or unrewarding transition.

In games/situations with frequent reward signals that requires precise play, fast reflexes, and not much planning, PGs quite easily can beat humans. So once we understand the “trick” by which these algorithms work you can reason through their strengths and weaknesses.

PGs don’t easily scale to settings where huge amounts of exploration are difficult to obtain. Instead of requiring samples from a stochastic policy and encouraging the ones that get higher scores, deterministic policy gradients use a deterministic policy and get the gradient information directly from a second network (called a critic) that models the score function. This approach can in principle be much more efficient in settings with  high-dimensional actions where sampling actions provide poor coverage, but so far seems empirically slightly finicky to get working.

There is also a line of work that tries to make the search process less hopeless by adding additional supervision. In many practical cases, for instance, one can obtain expert trajectories from a human. For example AlphaGo first uses supervised learning to predict human moves from expert Go games and the resulting human mimicking policy is later fine-tuned with PGs on the “real” goal of winning the game.

RL’s new frontiers: MAS, PTL, evolution, memetics and eTL

There is another method called Parallel Transfer Learning (PTL), which aims to optimize RL in multi-agent systems (MAS). MAS are computer systems composed of many interacting and autonomous agents within an environment of interests for problem-solving. MAS have a wide array of applications in industrial and scientific fields, such as resource management and computer games.

In MAS, as agents interact with and learn from one another, the challenge is to identify suitable source tasks from multiple agents that will contain mutually useful information to transfer. In conventional MAS (cMAS), which are optimal for simple environments, actions of each agent are pre-defined for possible states in the environment. Normal RL methodologies have been used as the learning processes of (cMAS) agents through trial-and-error interactions in a dynamic environment.

In PTL, each agent will broadcast its knowledge to all other agents while deciding whose knowledge to accept based on the reward received from other agents vs. expected rewards it predicts. Nevertheless, agents in this approach tend to infer incorrect actions on unseen circumstances or complex environments.

However, for more complex or changing environments, it is necessary to endow the agents with intelligence capable of adapting to an environment’s dynamics. A complex environment, almost by definition, implies complex interactions and necessitated learning of MAS, which current RL methodologies are hard-pressed to meet. A more recent machine learning paradigm of Transfer Learning (TL) was introduced as an approach of leveraging valuable knowledge from related and well studied problem domains to enhance problem-solving abilities of MAS in complex environments. Since then, TL has been successfully used for enhancing RL tasks via methodologies such as instance transferaction-value transferfeature transfer and advice exchanging (AE).

Most RL systems aim to train a single agent or cMAS. Evolutionary Transfer Learning framework (eTL) aims to develop intelligent and social agents capable of adapting to the dynamic environment of MAS and more efficient problem solving. It’s inspired by Darwin’s theory of evolution (natural selection + random variation) by principles that govern the evolutionary knowledge transfer process. eTL constructs social selection mechanisms that are modelled after the principles of human evolution. It mimics natural learning and errors that are introduced due to the physiological limits of the agents’ ability to perceive differences, thus generating “growth” and “variation” of knowledge that agents have, thus exhibiting higher adaptability capabilities for complex problem solving. Essential backbone of eTL comprises of memetic automaton, which includes evolutionary mechanisms such as meme representation, meme expression, etc.



The term “meme” can be traced back to Dawkins’ “The Selfish Gene”, where he defined it as “a unit of information residing in the brain and is the replicator in human cultural evolution.” For the past few decades, the meme-inspired science of Memetics has attracted increasing attention in fields including anthropology, biology, psychology, sociology and computer science. Particularly, one of the most direct and simplest applications in computer science for problem solving has become memetic algorithm. Further  research of meme-inspired computational models resulted in concept of memetic automaton, which integrates memes into units of domain information useful for problem-solving. Recently, memes have been defined as transformation matrixes that can be reused across different problem domains for enhanced evolutionary search. As with genes serving as “instructions for building proteins”, memes carry “behavioural instructions,” constructing models for problem solving.


Memetics in eTL


Meme representation and meme evolution form the two core aspects of eTL. It then undergoes meme expression and meme assimilation. Meme representation is related to what a meme is, while meme expression is defined for an agent to express its stored memes as behavioural actions, and meme assimilation captures new memes by translating corresponding behaviours into knowledge that blends into the agent’s mind-universe. The meme evolution processes (i.e. meme internal and meme external evolutions) comprise the main behavioural learning aspects of eTL. To be specific, meme internal evolution denotes the process for agents to update their mind-universe via self learning or personal grooming. In eTL, all agents undergo meme internal evolution by exploring the common environment simultaneously. During meme internal evolution, meme external evolution might happen to model the social interaction among agents mainly via imitation, which takes place when memes are transmitted. Meme external evolution happens whenever the current agent identifies a suitable teacher agent via a meme selection process. Once the teacher agent is selected, meme transmission occurs to instruct how the agent imitates others. During this process, meme variation facilitates knowledge transfer among agents. Upon receiving feedback from the environment after performing an action, the agent then proceeds to update its mind-universe accordingly.


eTL implementation with learning agents


There are two implementations of learning agents that take the form of neurally-inspired learning structures, namely a FALCON and a BP multilayer neural network. Specifically, FALCON is a natural extension of self-organizing neural models proposed for real-time RL, while BP is a classical multi-layer network that has been widely used in various learning systems.
  1. MASs with TL vs. MAS without TL: Most TL approaches outperform cMAS. This is due to TL endowing agents with capacities to benefit from the knowledge transferred from the better performing agents, thus accelerating the learning rate of the agents in solving the complex task more efficiently and effectively.
  2. eTL vs. PTL and other TL approaches: FALCON and BP agents with the eTL outperform PTL and other TL approaches due to the reason that, when deciding whether to accept  information broadcasted by the others, agents in PTL tend to make incorrect predictions on previously unseen circumstances. Further, eTL also demonstrates superiority in attaining higher success rates than all AE models thanks to meme selection operator of eTL, which considers a fusion of the “imitate-from-elitist” and “like-attracts-like” principles so as to give agents the option of choosing more reliable teacher agents over the AE model.


While popularisation of RL is traced back to Edward Thorndike and Marvin Minsky, it’s been inspired by nature and present with us humans since ages long gone. This is how we effectively teach children and want to now teach our computer systems, real (neural networks) or simulated (MAS).

RL reentered human consciousness and rekindled our interest again in 2016 when AlphaGo beat Go champion Lee Sedol. RL has, via its currently successful PGs, DQNs and other methodologies, already contributed and continues to accelerate, turn more intelligent and optimise humanoid robotics, autonomous vehicles, hedge funds, and other endeavours, industries and aspect of human life.

However, what is that optimises or accelerates RL itself? Its new frontiers represent PTLs, Memetics and a holistic eTL methodology inspired by natural evolution and spreading of memes. This latter evolutionary (and revolutionary!) approach is governed by several meme-inspired evolutionary operators (implemented using FALCON and BP multi-layer neural network), including meme evolutions.

The performance efficacy of eTL seems to have outperformed even most state-of-the-art MAS TL systems (PTL).

What future does RL hold? We don’t know. But the amount of research resources, experimentation and imaginative thinking will surely not disappoint us.

How AI systems learn: approaches and concepts

As you know, goal of AI learning is generalisation, but one major issue is that data alone will never be enough, no matter how much of it is available. AI systems need both data and they need to learn based on data in order to generalise.

So let’s look at how AI systems learn. But before we do that, what are the few different and prevalent AI approaches?

Neural networks model a brain learning by example―given a set of right answers, a neural network learns the general patterns. Reinforcement Learning models a brain learning by experience―given some set of actions and an eventual reward or punishment, it learns which actions are ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ as relevant in context. Genetic Algorithms model evolution by natural selection―given some set of agents, let the better ones live and the worse ones die.

Usually, genetic algorithms do not allow agents to learn during their lifetimes, while neural networks allow agents to learn only during their lifetimes. Reinforcement learning allows agents to learn during their lifetimes and share knowledge with other agents.

Consider learning a Boolean function of (say) 100 variables from a million examples. There are 2100 ^ 100 examples whose classes you don’t know. How do you figure out what those classes are? In the absence of further information, there is no way to do this that beats flipping a coin. This observation was first made (in somewhat different form) by David Hume over 200 years ago, but even today many mistakes in ML stem from failing to appreciate it. Every learner must embody some knowledge/assumptions beyond the data it’s given in order to generalise beyond it.

This seems like rather depressing news. How then can we ever hope to learn anything? Luckily, the functions we want to learn in the real world are not drawn uniformly from the set of all mathematically possible functions. In fact, very general assumptions—like similar examples having similar classes, limited dependences, or limited complexity—are often enough to do quite well, and this is a large part of why ML has been so successful to date.

AI systems use induction, deduction, abduction and other methodologies to collect, analyse and learn from data, allowing generalisation to happen.

Like deduction, induction (what learners do) is a knowledge lever: it turns a small amount of input knowledge into a large amount of output knowledge. Induction (despite its limitations) is a more powerful lever than deduction, requiring much less input knowledge to produce useful results, but it still needs more than zero input knowledge to work.

Abduction is sometimes used to identify faults and revise knowledge based on empirical data. For each individual positive example that is not derivable from the current theory, abduction is applied to determine a set of assumptions that would allow it to be proven. These assumptions can then be used to make suggestions for modifying the theory. One potential repair is to learn a new rule for the assumed proposition so that it could be inferred from other known facts about the example. Another potential repair is to remove the assumed proposition from the list of antecedents of the rule in which it appears in the abductive explanation of the example – parsimonious covering theory (PCT). Abductive reasoning is useful in inductively revising existing knowledge bases to improve their accuracy. Inductive learning can be used to acquire accurate abductive theories.

One key concept in AI is classifier. Generally, AI systems can be divided into two types: classifiers (“if shiny and yellow then gold”) and controllers (“if shiny and yellow then pick up”). Controllers also include classify-ing conditions before inferring actions. Classifiers are functions that use pattern matching to determine a closest match. They can be tuned according to examples known as observations or patterns. In supervised learning, each pattern belongs to a certain predefined class. A class can be seen as a decision that has to be made. All the observations combined with their class labels are known as data set. When a new observation is made, it is classified based on previous experience.

Classifier performance depends greatly on the characteristics of the data to be classified. The most widely used classifiers use kernel methods to be trained (i.e. to learn). There is no single classifier that works best on all given problems – “no free lunch“. Determining an optimal classifier for a given problem is still more an art than science.

The following formula sums up the process of AI learning.


Representation. A classifier must be represented in some formal language that the computer can handle. Conversely, choosing a representation for a learner is tantamount to choosing the set of classifiers that it can possibly learn. This set is called the hypothesis space of the learner. If a classifier is not in the hypothesis space, it cannot be learned. A related question is how to represent the input, i.e., what features to use.

Evaluation. An evaluation function is needed to distinguish good classifiers from bad ones. The evaluation function used internally by the algorithm may differ from the external one that we want the classifier to optimise, for ease of optimisation (see below) and due to the issues discussed in the next section.

Optimisation. We need a method to search among the classifiers in the language for the highest-scoring one. The choice of optimisation technique is key to the efficiency of the learner, and also helps determine the classifier produced if the evaluation function has more than one optimum. It is common for new learners to start out using off-the-shelf optimisers.

Key criteria for choosing a representation is which kinds of knowledge are easily expressed in it. For example, if we have knowledge about probabilistic dependencies, graphical models are a good fit. And if we have knowledge about what kinds of preconditions are required by each class, “IF . . . THEN . . .” rules may be the the best option. The most useful learners in this regard are those that don’t just have assumptions hard-wired into them, but allow us to state them explicitly, vary them widely, and incorporate them dynamically into the learning.

What if the knowledge and data we have are not sufficient to completely determine the correct classifier? Then we run the risk of just inventing a classifier (or parts of it) that is not grounded in reality, and is simply encoding random quirks in the data. This problem is called overfitting, and is the bugbear of ML. When a learner outputs a classifier that is 100% accurate on the training data but only 50% accurate on real data, when in fact it could have output one that is 75% accurate on both, it has overfit.

One way to understand overfitting is by decomposing generalisation error into bias and variance. Bias is a learner’s tendency to consistently learn the same wrong thing. Variance is the tendency to learn random things irrespective of the real signal. Cross-validation can help to combat overfitting, but it’s no panacea, since if we use it to make too many parameter choices it can itself start to overfit. Besides cross-validation, there are many methods to combat overfitting, the most popular one is adding a regularisation term to the evaluation function. Another option is to perform a statistical significance test like chi-square before adding new structure, to decide whether the distribution of the class really is different with and without this structure.


Sources and relevant articles:

Limits of deep learning and way ahead

Artificial intelligence has reached peak hype. News outlets report that companies have replaced workers with IBM Watson and algorithms are beating doctors at diagnoses. New AI startups pop up every day – especially in China – and claim to solve all your personal and business problems with machine learning.

Ordinary objects like juicers and wifi routers suddenly advertise themselves as “powered by AI”. Not only can smart standing desks remember your height settings, they can also order you lunch.

Much of the AI hubbub is generated by reporters who’ve little or superficial knowledge about the subject matter and startups  hoping to be acquihired for engineering talent despite not solving any real business problems. No wonder there are so many misconceptions about what A.I. can and cannot do.

Deep learning will shape the future ahead

Neural networks were invented in the 60s, but recent boosts in big data and computational power made them actually useful. The results are undeniably incredible. Computers can now recognize objects in images and video and transcribe speech to text better than humans can. Google replaced Google Translate’s architecture with neural networks and now machine translation is also closing in on human performance.

The practical applications are mind-blowing. Computers can predict crop yield better than the USDA and indeed diagnose cancer more accurately than expert physicians.

DARPA, the creator of Internet and many other modern technologies, sees three waves of AI:

  1. Handcrafted knowledge, or expert systems like IBM’s DeepBlue or IBM Watson;
  2. Statistical learning, which includes machine learning and deep learning;
  3. Contextual adaption, which involves constructing reliable, explanatory models for real world phenomena using sparse data, like humans do.

As part of the current second wave of AI, deep learning algorithms work well because of what the report calls the “manifold hypothesis.” This refers to how different types of high-dimensional natural data tend to clump and be shaped differently when visualised in lower dimensions.


By mathematically manipulating and separating data clumps, deep neural networks can distinguish different data types. While neural networks can achieve nuanced classification and predication capabilities they are what is called “spreadsheets on steroids.”


Deep learning algorithms have deep learning problems

At the recent AI By The Bay conference, one expert and inventor of widely used deep learning library Keras,  Francois Chollet, thinks that deep learning is simply more powerful pattern recognition vs. previous statistical and machine learning methods and that the most important problems for AI today are abstraction and reasoning. Current supervised perception and reinforcement learning algorithms require lots of training, are terrible at planning, and are only doing straightforward pattern recognition.

By contrast, humans “learn from very few examples, can do very long-term planning, and are capable of forming abstract models of a situation and manipulate these models to achieve extreme generalisation.”

Even simple human behaviours are laborious to teach to a deep learning algorithm. Let’s examine the task of not being hit by a car as you walk down the road.

Humans only need to be told once to avoid cars. We’re equipped with the ability to generalise from just a few examples and are capable of imagining (i.e. modelling) the dire consequences of being run over. Without losing life or limb, most of us quickly learn to avoid being overrun by motor vehicles.

Let’s now see how this works out if we train a computer. If you go the supervised learning route, you need big data sets of car situations with clearly labeled actions to take, such as “stop” or “move”. Then you’d need to train a neural network to learn the mapping between the situation and the appropriate action. If you go the reinforcement learning route, where you give an algorithm a goal and let it independently determine the ideal actions to take, the computer will “die” many times before learning to avoid cars in different situations.

While neural networks achieve statistically impressive results across large sample sizes, they are “individually unreliable” and often make mistakes humans would never make, such as classify a toothbrush as a baseball bat.


Your results are only as good as your data

Neural networks fed inaccurate or incomplete data will simply produce the wrong results. The outcomes can be both embarrassing and damaging. In two major PR debacles, Google Images incorrectly classified African Americans as gorillas, while Microsoft’s Tay learned to spew racist, misogynistic hate speech after only hours training on Twitter.

Undesirable biases may even be implicit in our input data. Google’s massive Word2Vec embeddings are built off of 3 million words from Google News.  The data set makes associations such as “father is to doctor as mother is to nurse” which reflect gender bias in our language.

For example, researchers go to human ratings on Mechanical Turk to perform “hard de-biasing” to undo the associations. Such tactics are essential since word embeddings not only reflect stereotypes but can also amplify them. If the term “doctor” is more associated with men than women, then an algorithm might prioritise male job applicants over female job applicants for open physician positions.

Neural networks can be tricked or exploited

Ian Goodfellow, inventor of GANsshowed that neural networks can be deliberately tricked with adversarial examples. By mathematically manipulating an image in a way that is undetectable to the human eye, sophisticated attackers can trick neural networks into grossly misclassifying objects.


The dangers such adversarial attacks pose to AI systems are alarming, especially since adversarial images and original images seem identical to us. Self-driving cars could be hijacked with seemingly innocuous signage and secure systems could be compromised by data that initially appears normal.

Potential solutions

How can we overcome the limitations of deep learning and proceed towards general artificial intelligence? Chollet’s initial plan is using “super-human pattern recognition like deep learning to augment explicit search and formal systems”, starting with the field of mathematical proofs. Automated Theorem Provers (ATPs) typically use brute force search and quickly hit combinatorial explosions in practical use. In the DeepMath project, Chollet and his colleagues used deep learning to assist the proof search process, simulating a mathematician’s intuitions about what lemmas might be relevant.

Another approach is to develop more explainable models. In handwriting recognition, neural nets currently need to be trained on many thousand examples to perform decent classification. Instead of looking at just pixels, generative models can be taught the strokes behind any given character and use this physical construction information to disambiguate between similar numbers, such as a 9 or a 4.

Yann LeCun, AI boss of Facebook, proposes “energy-based models” as a method of overcoming limits in deep learning. Typically, a neural network is trained to produce a single output, such as an image label or sentence translation. LeCun’s energy-based models instead give an entire set of possible outputs, such as the many ways a sentence could be translated, along with scores for each configuration.

Geoffrey Hinton, called the “father of deep learning” wants to replace neurons in neural networks with “capsules” which he believes more accurately reflect the cortical structure in the human mind. Evolution must have found an efficient way to adapt features that are early in a sensory pathway so that they are more helpful to features that are several stages later in the pathway. He thinks capsule-based neural network architectures will be more resistant to the adversarial attacks.

Perhaps all of these approaches to overcoming the limits of deep learning have a value. Perhaps none of them do. Only time and continued investment in AI will tell. But one thing seems quite certain: it might be impossible to achieve general intelligence simply by scaling up today’s deep learning techniques.

Is self-play the future of (most) AI?

Go is game whose number of possible moves – more than chess at 10170 – is greater than the number of atoms in the universe.

AlphaGo, the predecessor to AlphaGo Zero, crushed 18-time world champion Lee Sedol and the reigning world number one player, Ke Jie. After beating Jie earlier this year, DeepMind announced AlphaGo was retiring from future competitions.

Now, an even more superior competitor, AlphaGo Zero, could beat the version of AlphaGo that faced Lee Sedol after training for just 36 hours and earned beat its predecessor by 100-0 score after 72 hours. Interestingly, AlphaGo Zero didn’t learn from observing humans playing against each other – unlike AlphaGo – but instead, its neural network relies on an old technique in reinforcement learning: self-play. Self-play means agents can learn behaviours that are not hand-coded on any reinforcement learning task, but the sophistication of the learned behaviour is limited by the sophistication of the environment. In order for an agent to learn intelligent behaviour in a particular environment, the environment has to be challenging, but not too challenging.

Essentially, self-play means that AlphaGo Zero plays against itself. During training, it sits on each side of the table: two instances of the same software face off against each other. A match starts with the game’s black and white stones scattered on the board, placed following a random set of moves from their starting positions. The two computer players are given the list of moves that led to the positions of the stones, and then are each told to come up with multiple chains of next moves along with estimates of the probability they will win by following through each chain. The next move from the best possible chain is then played, and the computer players repeat the above steps, coming up with chains of moves ranked by strength. This repeats over and over, with the software feeling its way through the game and internalizing which strategies turn out to be the strongest.

AlphaGo Zero did start from scratch with no experts guiding it. And it is much more efficient: it only uses a single computer and four of Google’s custom TPU1 chips to play matches, compared to AlphaGo’s several machines and 48 TPUs. Since Zero didn’t rely on human gameplay, and a smaller number of matches, its Monte Carlo tree search is smaller. The self-play algorithm also combined both the value and policy neural networks into one, and was trained on 64 GPUs and 19 CPUs by playing nearly five million games against itself. In comparison, AlphaGo needed months of training and used 1,920 CPUs and 280 GPUs to beat Lee Sedol.

AlphaGo combines the two most powerful ideas about learning to emerge from the past few decades: deep learning and reinforcement learning. In the human brain, sensory information is processed in a series of layers. For instance, visual information is first transformed in the retina, then in the midbrain, and then through many different areas of the cerebral cortex. This creates a hierarchy of representations where simple, local features are extracted first, and then more complex, global features are built from these. The AI equivalent is called deep learning; deep because it involves many layers of processing in simple neuron-like computing units.

But to survive in the world, animals need to not only recognise sensory information, but also act on it. Generations of scientists have studied how animals learn to take a series of actions that maximise their reward. This has led to mathematical theories of reinforcement learning that can now be implemented in AI systems. The most powerful of these is temporal difference learning, which improves actions by maximising its expectation of future reward. It is thus that, among others, it even discovered for itself, without human intervention, classic Go moves such as fuseki opening tactics and life and death.

So are there problems to which the current algorithms can be fairly immediately applied?

One example may be optimisation in controlled industrial settings. Here the goal is often to complete a complex series of tasks while satisfying multiple constraints and minimising cost. As long as the possibilities can be accurately simulated, self-play-based algorithms can explore and learn from a vastly larger space of outcomes than will ever be possible for humans.

Researchers at OpenAI have already experimented with the same technique to train bots to play Dota 2, and published a paper on competitive self play. There are other experiments, such as this one, showing how self-play/teaching AI is better at predicting heart attacks.

AlphaGo Zero’s success bodes well for AI’s mastery of games. But it would be a mistake to believe that we’ve learned something general about thinking and about learning for general intelligence. This approach won’t work in more ill-structured problems like natural-language understanding or robotics, where the state space is more complex and there isn’t a clear objective function.

Unsupervised training is the key to ultimately creating AI that can think for itself, but more research is needed outside of the confines of board games and predefined objective functions” before computers can really begin to think outside the box.

DeepMind says the research team behind AlphaGo is looking to pursue other complex problems, such as finding new cures for diseases, quantum chemistry and material design.

Although it couldn’t sample every possible board position, AlphaGo’s neural networks extracted key ideas about strategies that work well in any position. Unfortunately, as yet there is no known way to interrogate the network to directly read out what these key ideas are. If we learn the game of Go purely through supervised learning, the best one could hope to do would be as good as the human one is imitating. Through self-play (and thus unsupervised learning), one could learn something completely novel and create or catalyse emergence.

DeepMind’s self-play approach is not the only way to push the boundaries of AI. Gary Marcus, a neuroscientist at NYU, has co-founded Geometric Intelligence (acquired by Uber), to explore learning techniques that extrapolate from a small number of examples, inspired by how children learn. He claimed to outperform both Google’s and Microsoft’s deep-learning algorithms.

Reinforcement Learning vs. Evolutionary Strategy: combine, aggregate, multiply

A birds-eye view of main ML algorithms

In statistics, we have descriptive and inferential statistics. ML deals with the same problems and claims any problem where the solution isn’t programmed directly, but is learned by the program. ML generally works by numerically minimising something: a cost function or error.

Supervised learning – You have labeled data: a sample of ground truth with features and labels. You estimate a model that predicts the labels using the features. Alternative terminology: predictor variables and target variables. You predict the values of the target using the predictors.

  • Regression. The target variable is numeric. Example: you want to predict the crop yield based on remote sensing data. Recurrent neural networks result in a “regression” since they usually output a number (a sequence or a vector) instead of a class (e.g. sentence generation, curve plotting). Algorithms: linear regression, polynomial regression, generalised linear models.
  • Classification. The target variable is categorical. Example: you want to detect the crop type that was planted using remote sensing data. Or Silicon Valley’s “Not Hot Dog” application. Algorithms: Naïve Bayes, logistic regression, discriminant analysis, decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, neural networks (NN) of many variations: feed-forward NNs, convolutional NNs, recurrent NNs.

Unsupervised learning – You have a sample with unlabeled information. No single variable is the specific target of prediction. You want to learn interesting features of the data:

  • Clustering. Which of these things are similar? Example: group consumers into relevant psychographics. Algorithms – k-means, hierarchical clustering.
  • Anomaly detection. Which of these things are different? Example: credit card fraud detection. Algorithms: k-nearest-neighbor.
  • Dimensionality reduction. How can you summarise the data in a high-dimensional data set using a lower-dimensional dataset which captures as much of the useful information as possible (possibly for further modelling with supervised or unsupervised algorithms)? Example: image compression. Algorithms: principal component analysis (PCA), neural network auto-encoders.

Reinforcement Learning  (Policy Gradients, DQN, A3C,..) – You are presented with a game/environment that responds sequentially or continuously to your inputs, and you learn to maximise an objective through trial and error.

Evolutionary Strategy – This approach consists of maintaining a distribution over network weight values, and having a large number of agents act in parallel using parameters sampled from this distribution. With this score, the parameter distribution can be moved toward that of the more successful agents, and away from that of the unsuccessful ones. By repeating this approach millions of times, with hundreds of agents, the weight distribution moves to a space that provides the agents with a good policy for solving the task at hand.

All the complex tasks in ML, from self-driving cars to machine translation, are solved by combining these building blocks into complex stacks.

Pro/cons of RL and ES

One step towards building safe AI systems is to remove the need for humans to write goal functions, since using a simple proxy for a complex goal, or getting the complex goal a bit wrong, can lead to undesirable and even dangerous behaviour.

RL is known to be unstable or even to diverge when a nonlinear function approximator such as a NN is used to represent the action-value (also known as Q) function. This instability has several causes: the correlations present in the sequence of observations, the fact that small updates to Q may significantly change the policy and therefore change the data distribution, and the correlations between the action-values and the target values.

RL’s other challenge is generalisation. In typical deep RL methods, this is achieved by approximating the optimal value function with a low-dimensional representation using a deep network. While this approach works well in many domains, in domains where the optimal value function cannot easily be reduced to a low-dimensional representation, learning can be very slow and unstable.

Whereas RL methods such as A3C need to communicate gradients back and forth between workers and a parameter server, ES only requires fitness scores and high-level parameter distribution information to be communicated. It is this simplicity that allows the technique to scale up in ways current RL methods cannot. However, in situations with richer feedback signals however, things don’t go so well for ES.

Contextualising and combining the RL and ES

Appealing to nature for inspiration in AI can sometimes be seen as a problematic approach. Nature, after all, is working under constraints that computer scientists simply don’t have. If we look at intelligent behaviour in mammals, we find that it comes from a complex interplay of two ultimately intertwined processes, inter-life learning, and intra-life learning. Roughly speaking these two approaches in nature can be compared to the two in neural network optimisation. ES for which no gradient information is used to update the organism, is related to inter-life learning. Likewise, the gradient based methods (RL), for which specific experiences change the agent in specific ways, can be compared to intra-life learning.

The techniques employed in RL are in many ways inspired directly by the psychological literature on operant conditioning to come out of animal psychology. (In fact, Richard Sutton, one of the two founders of RL actually received his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology). In operant conditioning animals learn to associate rewarding or punishing outcomes with specific behaviour patterns. Animal trainers and researchers can manipulate this reward association in order to get animals to demonstrate their intelligence or behave in certain ways.

The central role of prediction in intra-life learning changes the dynamics quite a bit. What was before a somewhat sparse signal (occasional reward), becomes an extremely dense signal. At each moment mammalian brains are predicting the results of the complex flux of sensory stimuli and actions which the animal is immersed in. The outcome of the animals behaviour then provides a dense signal to guide the change in predictions and behaviour going forward. All of these signals are put to use in the brain in order to improve predictions (and consequently the quality of actions) going forward. If we apply this way of thinking to learning in artificial agents, we find that RL isn’t somehow fundamentally flawed, rather it is that the signal being used isn’t nearly as rich as it could (or should) be. In cases where the signal can’t be made more rich, (perhaps because it is inherently sparse, or to do with low-level reactivity) it is likely the case that learning through a highly parallelizable method such as ES is instead better.

Combining many

It is clear that for many reactive policies, or situations with extremely sparse rewards, ES is a strong candidate, especially if you have access to the computational resources that allow for massively parallel training.  On the other hand, gradient-based methods using RL or supervision are going to be useful when a rich feedback signal is available, and we need to learn quickly with less data.

An extreme example is combining more than just ES and RL and Microsoft’s Maluuba is a an illustrative example, which used many algorithms to beat the game Ms. Pac-Man. When the agent (Ms. Pac-Man) starts to learn, it moves randomly; it knows nothing about the game board. As it discovers new rewards (the little pellets and fruit Ms. Pac-Man eats) it begins placing little algorithms in those spots, which continuously learn how best to avoid ghosts and get more points based on Ms. Pac-Man’s interactions, according to the Maluuba research paper.

As the 163 potential algorithms are mapped, they continually send which movement they think would generate the highest reward to the agent, which averages the inputs and moves Ms. Pac-Man. Each time the agent dies, all the algorithms process what generated rewards. These helper algorithms were carefully crafted by humans to understand how to learn, however.

Instead of having one algorithm learn one complex problem, the AI distributes learning over many smaller algorithms, each tackling simpler problems, Maluuba says in a video. This research could be applied to other highly complex problems, like financial trading, according to the company.

But it’s worth noting that since more than 100 algorithms are being used to tell Ms. Pac-Man where to move and win the game, this technique is likely to be extremely computationally intensive.

Bayes craze, neural networks and uncertainty

Story, context and hype

Named after its inventor, the 18th-century Presbyterian minister Thomas Bayes, Bayes’ theorem is a method for calculating the validity of beliefs (hypotheses, claims, propositions) based on the best available evidence (observations, data, information). Here’s the most dumbed-down description: Initial/prior belief + new evidence/information = new/improved belief.

P(B|E) = P(B) X P(E|B) / P(E), with P standing for probability, B for belief and E for evidence. P(B) is the probability that B is true, and P(E) is the probability that E is true. P(B|E) means the probability of B if E is true, and P(E|B) is the probability of E if B is true.

Since recently, Bayesian theorem has become ubiquitous in modern life and is applied in everything from physics to cancer research, psychology to ML spam algorithms. Physicists have proposed Bayesian interpretations of quantum mechanics and Bayesian defences of string and multiverse theories. Philosophers assert that science as a whole can be viewed as a Bayesian process, and that Bayesian approach can distinguish science from pseudoscience more precisely than falsification, the method popularised by Karl Popper. Some even claim Bayesian machines might be so intelligent that they make humans “obsolete.”

Bayes going into AI/ML

Neural networks are all the rage in AI/ML. They learn tasks by analysing vast amounts of data and power everything from face recognition at Facebook to translation at Microsoft to search at Google. They’re beginning to help chatbots learn the art of conversation. And they’re part of the movement toward driverless cars and other autonomous machines. But because they can’t make sense of the world without help from such large amounts of carefully labelled data, they aren’t suited to everything. Induction is prevalent approach for learning methods and they have difficulties dealing with uncertainties, probabilities of future occurrences of different types of data/events and “confident error” problems.

Additionally, AI researchers have limited insight into why neural networks make particular decisions. They are, in many ways, black boxes. This opacity could cause serious problems: What if a self-driving car runs someone down?

Regular/standard neural networks are bad at calculating uncertainty. However, there is a recent trend of bringing in Bayes (and other alternative methodologies) into this game too. Currently, AI researchers, including those working on Google’s self-driving cars, started employing Bayesian software to help machines recognise patterns and make decisions.

Gamalon, an AI startup that went life earlier in 2017, touts a new type of AI that requires only small amounts of training data – its secret sauce is Bayesian Program Synthesis.

Rebellion Research, founded by the grandson of baseball grand Hank Greenberg, relies upon a form of ML called Bayesian networks, using a handful of machines to predict market trends and pinpoint particular trades.

There are many more examples.

The dark side of Bayesian inference

The most notable pitfall of Bayesian approach is the calculation of prior probability. In many cases, estimating  the prior is just guesswork, allowing subjective factors to creep into calculations. Some prior probabilities are unknown or don’t even exist such as multiverses, inflation or God. In this way, Bayes’ theorem can promote pseudoscience and superstition as well as reason.

In 1997, Microsoft launched its animated MS Office assistant Clippit, which was conceived to work on Bayesian inference system but failed miserably .

In law courts, Bayesian principles may lead to serious miscarriages of justice (see the prosecutor’s fallacy). In a famous example from the UK, Sally Clark was wrongly convicted in 1999 of murdering her two children. Prosecutors had argued that the probability of two babies dying of natural causes (the prior probability that she is innocent of both charges) was so low – one in 73 million – that she must have murdered them. But they failed to take into account that the probability of a mother killing both of her children (the prior probability that she is guilty of both charges) was also incredibly low.

So the relative prior probabilities that she was totally innocent or a double murderer were more similar than initially argued. Clark was later cleared on appeal with the appeal court judges criticising the use of the statistic in the original trial. Here is another such case.

Alternative, complimentary approaches

In actual practice, the method of evaluation most scientists/experts use most of the time is a variant of a technique proposed by Ronald Fisher in the early 1900s. In this approach, a hypothesis is considered validated by data only if the data pass a test that would be failed 95% or 99% of the time if the data were generated randomly. The advantage of Fisher’s approach (which is by no means perfect) is that to some degree it sidesteps the problem of estimating priors where no sufficient advance information exists. In the vast majority of scientific papers, Fisher’s statistics (and more sophisticated statistics in that tradition) are used.

As many AI/ML algorithms automate their optimisation and learning processes, they can deploy a more careful Gaussian process consideration, including type of kernel and the treatment of its hyper-parameters, can play a crucial role in obtaining a good optimiser that can achieve expert level performance.

Dropout (which addresses overfitting problem), is another technique that has been in use for several years in deep learning, is another technique that enables uncertainty estimates by approximating those of Gaussian process. This is a powerful tool in statistics that allows model distributions over functions and been applied in both the supervised and unsupervised domains, for both regression and classification tasks. It offers nice properties such as uncertainty estimates over the function values, robustness to over-fitting, and principled ways for hyper-parameter tuning.

Google’s Project Loon uses Gaussian process (together with reinforcement learning) for its navigation.